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About Us
Christhu Raj College of arts and science is a highly regarded Co-educational institution. It is a pioneer institution offering number of UG and PG courses in Arts and Science, ie., computer Applications, Information Technology; Master of Health Care & Hospital Management, M.S.W & M.Com etc.,. College offers degrees in UG are C.S, Computer Application, Commerce, Mathematics, Physics, Industrial Electronics, English, and Business Administration. Postgraduate are Information Technology, Computer Science, Hospital Administration, Physics, Electronics, Social Work, Commerce and M.C.A, M.B.A., (AICTE Approved) M.phil in Management and Ph.D in Management, Computer Science, and Commerce. Christhu Raj College of arts and science was started in 1998, and within a span of one decade it had registered exceptional progress. The degrees will be awarded by the Bharathidasan University.
About Campus
Christhu Raj College is situated in Royal Nagar Panjappur, Viralimalai Road, Trichy on the National Highways. It is a pioneer institution offering number of UG and PG courses in Arts, Science, computer Applications, Information Technology; Master of Health Care & Hospital Management M.S.W & M.Com etc.,. The institution is set up in the rural area of Panjappur. 7 K.M. away from the noisy pollution of the Main Town and provides vast and comfortable infrastructure facilities for the students. The aim and ambition of the institution are to provide for the students, quality education with good discipline and culture. The students get excellent guidance and orientation under qualified and experienced faculty members. This college stands as a testimony to the wisdom and foresight to cater to the educational needs and aspirations of the people. With a great wisdom, the founder of this institution has rightly coined the motto “Empower through Education”.
The Christhu Raj College, Tiruchirapalli has lofty ideals to Cater Education to the urban areas at the Economic cost.
The College provides best infrastructure in Teaching Faculty , Lab Facilities, Central and Department Libraries with modern and up to date standard books in all available disciplines.
Our College moves with aspirations to see that all graduates of this College find placements and to occupy position of honour.
With this aspiring lofty mission, our College is marching forward to reach its celestial goal of catering useful value- oriented education and see our graduates as best useful Citizens of India
Our Christhu Raj College, Tiruchirapalli has farsighted vision to develop the college as an Institution for excellence. It has opened Courses in UG and PG studies in Arts and Science, Computer Applications and Management with wide infrastructure and facilities for research in M.Phil and Ph.D. The college serves to grow and grows to serve. The caravan is moving and the Christhu Raj College, Tiruchirapalli will be one of the best in Tamil Nadu even in India. It has lofty vision to make the college as a Deemed University ultimately.
Genesis and grouth
Vast expansion of scientific knowledge and its large scale exploitation through technology and the growing globalization trends have had a tremendous impact on the socio-economic development of our country.

New forms of socio-economic behavior and structures have been rapidly emerging in the past few decades giving rise to newer educational challenges. It was in anticipation of this changing context that the Christhu Raj College of Science was established with a view to cater to the needs of the youth in this part of the country for high quality career oriented education in various emerging fields. The College started in the year 1998, is affiliated to the Bharathidasan University and recognized by the University Grants Commission and approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (for the MBA courses).

The degrees continue to be awarded by the Bharathidasan University.
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